
Introducing Digital Performance Scorecards (DPS)

In the early days of the .com era it was enough to launch a mobile app or revamp your webshop to stand out. The online world was relatively uncharted, and the competition was sparse. Those days are long gone. We are launching a digital tool to help companies better understand their digital performance.

Lóránt Erős

Digital Strategist

In the early days of the .com era, when the term digital transformation wasn't in the mainstream business vocabulary, it was enough to launch a mobile app or revamp your webshop to stand out. The online world was relatively uncharted, and the competition was sparse. Businesses that embraced digital tools early on reaped significant rewards, setting a pace that others struggled to match.

Those days are long gone. The digital landscape has become a battleground where innovation and agility are paramount. Today, simply having a mobile app or a sleek website isn’t enough to ensure success. The pace of digital advancement has accelerated, and companies are continually evolving, adopting new technologies, and setting higher standards.

Now, more than ever, it's essential to understand digital performance granularly. Are you keeping up with the latest trends? Are your digital strategies optimized to give you a competitive edge?

These questions don't look complicated, yet they aren't easily answered. Thus, we have developed a digital tool that will guide you through a set of questions in a way that every marketer can answer simply.

Introducing Digital Performance Scorecards (or DPS), a free-of-charge and completely automatised digital instrument that helps you to gain a clear picture of your company’s digital strengths and weaknesses. With this, you make the first steps towards a comprehensive Digital Due Diligence, and you can start shifting your focus from keeping pace to leading the charge and staying ahead in a digital world where every move counts.

Why does Digital Due Diligence (DDD) matter?

Due Diligence is not a new term, the thorough financial and legal investigation is part of most corporates' daily business.

However, Digital Due Diligence (DDD) is a rather new, complementary form of the traditional inspection. It focuses on evaluating a company's digital assets, from a marketing, technology and data perspective. Not many companies know the financial value of their digital assets, and even fewer are aware that they can map it and use these insights to their advantage.

A robust digital strategy is essential for building and maintaining a competitive edge. However, most strategies are not based on data, but rather ad-hoc and many times competition-inspired ideas.

Building a digital strategy is challenging, but it shouldn't be.

Digital Due Diligence is probably the most effective catalyzer of a digital strategy. Companies leading the competition in making money from digital businesses know this, as it is crucial for identifying risks, evaluating opportunities, enabling informed decision-making, and strategic planning by analyzing a company's digital capabilities and performance.

But those who don't (know this) might question the ROI of a Digital Due Diligence. And without wanting such decision-makers fall into a Catch-22. They don't know enough about the benefits, thus they don't invest in it. Frustration grows, as many are not aware of how others (the competition), who excel in digital make more and more revenue from digital business models. If you fall into this category, we have good news, we have built Digital Performance Scorecards to help you make the first steps towards DDD without any financial commitment.

Our new tool is not just a set of arbitrary metrics, it’s grounded in the proven models and frameworks developed through years of digital business experience.

The Digital Performance Scorecard evaluates your organization’s digital performance across crucial areas, including webpage performance, social media engagement, organic reach, and brand impact. We developed a framework that will provide a strategic snapshot of your digital strengths and areas for improvement.

With our tool, you gain a high-level view of your digital landscape, ensuring you can effectively see the gaps before you commit to a larger investment.

Be the first who gets even more out of the Digital Performance Scorecards

We have proven that growth in digital is a question of mindset. Thus, we want to challenge you. Join our waitlist and complete your Digital Scorecard within 72 hours after the official launch. If you do it in this time frame, you will get a chance to get our expert support with a preliminary Digital Due Diligence. This extension of the DPS is the next step that already has insights that can be put into immediate action. We will select 5 companies based on how well they used our tool, or simply what is the level of quality and detail of their inputs.

So make sure to sign up for the waitlist today here.

Stay tuned, and watch your inbox!

Erős Loránt

Head of Marketing @ Cognitive Creators

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